Today, after work, i went here (see below) to become a public judge, with my dad n Jaqq.

I bought 3 (Rm1.10 each)tix for myself to see if I'll have any luck...
The draw starts at 7pm sharp. And i have found out how they decide on which numbers get 1st prize, 2nd and 3rd!Its based on the number on horses that wins on a race! OK, if u already know this, please ignore me. :-p
Its like this, there's 5 transparents boxes. The 1st one will have the horses' number, starters balls and consolation balls. The rest of the boxes will have numbers for the 4 digits.
The one in the 1st box will determine whether the other 4 digits is a winning number/ starter/ consolation number.
So then, after the numbers appear on the screen right, you got to record it down lo.
As the numbers appear, my heart sank deeper n deeper...:-(

NONE KENA! NONE of my CHOSEN NUMBERS KENA! NOT even CONSOLATION PRIZE..but then expected la...i always don't have luck one..SIENZ
But at least i didn't go home empty handed lo...
They gave us a BIG umbrella. See how big is it compare to the Orange? I wanted to compare it with Mango, but she keeps running around...since orange is abundance i used it instead..HAHA