Friday, January 30, 2015

Dear God, please give me more patience & strength!

I have been feeling under the weather lately. Being plagued with coughs and then towards the end, I was infected by flu through Tomato.

Tomato has started her pre-K not long ago. We enrolled her at a nearby Kindy for the convenience. Its like 3 mins drive away from home.

Everyday when we pass by the school, she will sweetly say "Mommy, I want to go to skoo". Then I will tell her soon baby, soon. So the day finally came, she can't wake up -______________________-. I had to pull her up from bed and get her ready in a rush! I was nervous! Anyway, after much effort, we manage to get her ready. And she seem ok, no crying, curios-ly checking out the place. I left her there after half an hour of accompanying her 'x'

First week went by quite well. No crying, no fuss. Only cried when going to nanny after lunch (almost everyday).That is until she got sick. She got flu suddenly. So I took a day off to take care of her.  After that, everything went downhill. She started to throw tantrums over petty things. Phone rings upsets her, ask her to eat upsets her, change tv channel upsets her, change clothes upsets her, bath time upsets her. Its like my sweet cute girl went to school, got cloned, and what came back to us is a little monster. And did i mention the mood swings? One minute she is jolly, agree to do something, the next 5 secs, she can change her mind, and throw a fit about it. We are at our wits end. What is the matter? What the h**l is wrong? She won't tell, all she does is cry and cry, scratching her head, eyes swollen with all the crying, tears an snot , and saliva all over her face.We can only have our peace when she's asleep.

Experienced friends have told us, its will pass in a few weeks. Its like that. Its normal. Oh really, dear God, please give me the strength and patience to go through this.

I manage to find this article as informational:

It made me understand more about why it could happen. Has something happened at school?Is she feeling stressful? Have I sent her to school too early? Is she unhappy about the change of routine? It could be because either one of it or ALL. SIGHHH....I will just have to keep observing and monitor and see how it goes from here.

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