Friday, August 17, 2012


Tomato (my girl's nick) is now almost 3 mths old. I'm applying scheduled feeding for her, cos its the most convenient for all of us and its good for her to follow a routine. Now, usually she will wake up around 4-ish/ 5-ish in the morning for her feed.

I will wake up to warm up the milk as I am the closest to the warmer, and pass the warmed up milk to Oink so that he can feed Tomato since he is nearest to her. And I have told Oink before, after the feed, put her on our bed to sleep. Tomato easily sweats even with aircon on. She's still too young to turn.

SO..this morning, while I was sleeping (I went back to sleep after my warming duty is done..LOL). I heard sounds from behind me. "ang guuuuurrrr...grrr...uak...ahhhh". And the sound awaken me. I turn over to see Tomato wide awake and babbling away. AWWW~~~ SO CUTE LA 'x'

I wanted to record her cute baby talks, but as soon as I took out my phone, she got quiet at the sight of light.

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